"Finding Your Way with Lance Wyman" is a conceptual event where iconic graphic designer, Lance Wyman, came to SCAD to speak on his experience with wayfinding. For this event, I designed a promotional poster that could be hung up around Savannah, as well as an Hermes-style scarf to be gifted to VIP guests.
After studying Lance Wyman's life, I decided that his event would focus on way-finding, with overtones of advice-giving to young designers following in his footsteps. The event would be called "Finding Your Way with Lance Wyman". Considering the fame that Wyman earned by designing for the Mexico 1968 Olympic Games, I designed his name using custom inline letters, reminiscent of the inline typography he used for the Olympics. I also used a birds eye view of a highway as inspiration for extending the typography into graphics in order to make reference to way-finding.